1. Install Github client & download the current Github revision
Install Github clientAll you need:
msysgit (Git for Windows)
In this tutorial we will use:
Github version 1.7.11
Open the downloaded file.
Click on "Next"
Read the General Public Licence and click on "Next"
Specify the program path and click on "Next"
Leave the default options selected and click on "Next"
Click on "Next"
Make sure you have the "Use Git Bash only" selected and click on "Next"
Make sure you have the first option selected and click on "Next"
Github will now start installing, so just wait to finish
Click on "Finish"
Download the current Github revision
Now create a new folder, somewhere on your local drive. (this will be where your server files will be stored)
In our tutorial we will use the location "D:\ReunionDev\"
Open Git Bash
Using Unix command lines goto the folder you created
Now type: git clone "git://github.com/ReunionDev/reunion.git"
Now type: git clone "git://github.com/ReunionDev/reunion-data.git"
Now open your explorer and copy all the content of the folder "D:\ReunionDev\reunion-data\" to "D:\ReunionDev\reunion\jreunion\data\"
After having Github configured, each time there is a new revision available, on Git Bash just type: git pull
To check if you have the same revision as the online server, just type: git status
Make sure the folder jreunion\src\main\resources is created, or else you will have errors.
Github is now ready!
- トラックバックURLはこちら