2. Setting up Eclipse with Maven and import the Github files
What we need:Java (download) - Install this before proceeding
Eclipse ("Eclipse Indigo" packages Download - Search for the download named "Eclipse Classic" and click on your version (Win 32 or 64 bit (depends on what Java version you've installed))
The Github files (1. Install Github client & download the current Github revision) - You need to complete the "Step 1" before you proceed with this step.
Maven - Will be downloaded using eclipse market.
Setting up Eclipse
If your download was successful you should have a zip file named "eclipse-SDK-x.x.x-win32.zip".
Now you must unpack the file (with winrar or windows zip tools),
open the folder and start eclipse (eclipse-SDK-x.x.x-win32\eclipse\exclipse.exe)
Loading screen (notice the "Indigo")
Set your workspace path here. If this is your default java project you can set the workspace path as default.
Click "OK"
Now close the "Welcome Screen" (top left).
Rightclick on 1
Select "Import"
Choose "General" -> "Existing Projects into Workspace" and click "Next"
Now click on "Browse", select the ReunionDev folder and click "OK"
Now select the projects jcommon, jlauncher and reunion (as shown on the picture).
Click "Finish"
Now select the project reunion and rename it to jreunion by pressing F2 key on your keyboard.
Now the three projects should be listed in 1
(the reported erros for now it's normal)
Setting up Maven
In Eclipse goto help and select "Install new software"
Select "Eclipse Indigo" in the software list
Search for maven, select m2e and click on "Next"
Now, again click on "Next"
Read and accept de "Licence Agreement", and click on "Finish"
Now wait for the installation to finish
After the installation is finished, click on "Restart Now" to restart Eclipse
Now, after eclipse restart, you just need to wait for Maven to finish updating it's data.
After that, there should be no more erros.
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