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  • 02/28/10:37



4. Configure the server

Now we need the correct MySQL login, that the server is able to connect to the database.

That we can edit the mysql user data, we must open that file:

Now you need to do the same (dont change db name) with the Static Database file:

Continue with step 5


The server configuration is stored in "D:\ReunionDev\reunion\jreunion\config\"

The MySQL data is in here.

The config for chainsaw (Link to Tools)

All map servers are in here.
ID = 4
Ip =
Port = 4005
Location = Local

[Lost Realm Castle]
ID = 0
Ip =
Port = 4001
Location = Remote


That means that all users in Lost Realm Castle are on ..222

The protocol config file. (Min - Max Version has no effect atm)

Here you can set the exp & lime rate, the startlime and the SessionRadius.
(DropExclusivity, Version and DefaultMap are not implemented yet)

Static Data:
All static data (droplist, exptable, items etc) is located here: "D:\ReunionDev\reunion-data\static\"
(Don't forget you also have a copy of these files located on "D:\ReunionDev\reunion\jreunion\data\" in order for the server to work)

Global Mob Droplist.

Exp per lvl

All items are stored in this file.

Maps with the mob, npc and player area (the lvl names are used for the @tele command)

Mobs are stored in here.

Npcs are stored in here.

This file will be deleted soon.





3. Install MySQL (Xampp) and import database

What you need:

Xampp (download)

Install Xampp
Open the xampp setup (i used the installer variant)

Select your language and click "OK"

Click "Next"

If you want you can change the install path. Click "Next"

Here you can change the server settings (configure services etc)
Continue with "Install"

Wait till the setup is finished

Finish :P

Now click on "Yes" to start the "Xampp Control Panel"

Make shure that Skype or Teamviewer doesn't use port 80.

Start the Apache and the MySQL server.

Now we can import the Database

Import the Database

Open Firefox, Google Crome or IE (your choice)

Goto http://localhost/phpmyadmin

Click on "Privileges" and then on "Add a new User"

Now we will create a database user for the reunion server.
Enter the Username, select "Local" in the host selectbox and type in the password.
In the next step we click "Check All" and after that we click on "Go"

IMPORTANT: Skip the next sentence if your database should be named reunion.
Now we will create a database for the server. In my case i name the db "databasename". Click "OK"

Now we import the database.
If your database should be named different than reunion please copy the content from the reunion.sql from all after line 17 till 159 into the field on the query page.

If your database should have the default name do the following:

First click on "Import" and then "browse" for the file reunion.sql. In my case "reunion-data\dynamic\sql\reunion.sql".
When you've selected the file, click on "Go"

Now you must import the StaticDatabase. Just do the same with this file "reunion-data\static\sql\reunionStatic.sql"

Yuhuu, you have finished this tutorial.




2. Setting up Eclipse with Maven and import the Github files

What we need:

Java (download) - Install this before proceeding

Eclipse ("Eclipse Indigo" packages Download - Search for the download named "Eclipse Classic" and click on your version (Win 32 or 64 bit (depends on what Java version you've installed))

The Github files (1. Install Github client & download the current Github revision) - You need to complete the "Step 1" before you proceed with this step.

Maven - Will be downloaded using eclipse market.

Setting up Eclipse
If your download was successful you should have a zip file named "eclipse-SDK-x.x.x-win32.zip".

Now you must unpack the file (with winrar or windows zip tools),
open the folder and start eclipse (eclipse-SDK-x.x.x-win32\eclipse\exclipse.exe)

Loading screen (notice the "Indigo")

Set your workspace path here. If this is your default java project you can set the workspace path as default.
Click "OK"

Now close the "Welcome Screen" (top left).

Rightclick on 1

Select "Import"

Choose "General" -> "Existing Projects into Workspace" and click "Next"

Now click on "Browse", select the ReunionDev folder and click "OK"

Now select the projects jcommon, jlauncher and reunion (as shown on the picture).
Click "Finish"

Now select the project reunion and rename it to jreunion by pressing F2 key on your keyboard.

Now the three projects should be listed in 1
(the reported erros for now it's normal)

Setting up Maven

In Eclipse goto help and select "Install new software"

Select "Eclipse Indigo" in the software list

Search for maven, select m2e and click on "Next"

Now, again click on "Next"

Read and accept de "Licence Agreement", and click on "Finish"

Now wait for the installation to finish

After the installation is finished, click on "Restart Now" to restart Eclipse

Now, after eclipse restart, you just need to wait for Maven to finish updating it's data.
After that, there should be no more erros.




1. Install Github client & download the current Github revision

Install Github client

All you need:
msysgit (Git for Windows)

In this tutorial we will use:
Github version 1.7.11

Open the downloaded file.

Click on "Next"

Read the General Public Licence and click on "Next"

Specify the program path and click on "Next"

Leave the default options selected and click on "Next"

Click on "Next"

Make sure you have the "Use Git Bash only" selected and click on "Next"

Make sure you have the first option selected and click on "Next"

Github will now start installing, so just wait to finish

Click on "Finish"

Download the current Github revision

Now create a new folder, somewhere on your local drive. (this will be where your server files will be stored)
In our tutorial we will use the location "D:\ReunionDev\"

Open Git Bash

Using Unix command lines goto the folder you created

Now type: git clone "git://github.com/ReunionDev/reunion.git"

Now type: git clone "git://github.com/ReunionDev/reunion-data.git"

Now open your explorer and copy all the content of the folder "D:\ReunionDev\reunion-data\" to "D:\ReunionDev\reunion\jreunion\data\"

After having Github configured, each time there is a new revision available, on Git Bash just type: git pull
To check if you have the same revision as the online server, just type: git status
Make sure the folder jreunion\src\main\resources is created, or else you will have errors.

Github is now ready!




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